C2C is cradle to cradle – a circular textile model that sees waste as resource. We’re replacing the mainstream take-make-waste or cradle-to-grave approach with cutting edge R&D and innovative products that divert significant waste from the landfill. Join us in revolutionizing the way we consume: the solution is circular.
C2C Threads is a grassroots social enterprise led by the Gabriola Island Recycling Organization, a not-for-profit recycling depot and ReStore in the Gulf Islands. Created in response to overwhelming textile waste, C2C Threads diverts waste from the landfill by creating innovative upcycled products, engaging local communities, and inspiring people to rethink their relationship to the fashion industry.
ReLove Local is an upcycled product collection under C2C Threads that offers locally-made goods that replace single-use items and inspire zero waste lifestyles. The line includes multi-purpose cloths, napkins, and wipes to replace disposable paper products; zero waste bowl covers to replace plastic wrap; sponges that use non-recyclable onion bags collected from the local grocer; and pet beds and cushions made from rescued jeans and filled with upcycled stuffing. These products are designed and made on Gabriola Island by skilled makers who also train apprentices in the art of textile repair and upcycling. ReLove Local can be found at the GIRO ReStore, at pop-up locations around Vancouver Island, and online at relovelocal.ca
C2C Threads also invests in cutting edge R&D for products that divert significant textile waste and replace the need for raw material extraction. Stay tuned for new product and innovation announcements by subscribing for updates at cradletocradle.ca
A new C2C Maker Space, opening spring 2022, will be a community space for workshops and events, workspace and equipment rentals, and will host an industrial textile shredder to supply upcycled fill for ReLove Local and other producers of stuffed goods.
C2C Threads is supported by local makers, ReLove Local customers, and through funding from the Regional District of Nanaimo, the Island Coastal Economic Trust, and other generous donors.
C2C is cradle to cradle - a circular textile model that sees waste as resource. We're replacing the mainstream take-make-waste or cradle-to-grave approach with cutting edge R&D and innovative products that divert significant waste from the landfill. Join us in revolutionizing the way we consume: the solution is circular.
- 700 Tin Can Alley, Gabriola, BC V0R 1X3
- Gabriola
- https://cradletocradle.ca/
- 09:30
- 16:00:00
- 09:30
- 16:00:00
- No
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- Yes
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